The Happy Francis Family

Friday, November 20, 2009

So much to be thankful for today....and everyday.
I have so much to be thankful for today, I went to the doctor and everything looks great. Baby's heart rate was 150 and still a low lying baby, maybe its going to be a boy? Only gained 3lbs and my glucose test came back normal, but since my mother is such a bad diabetic I will need to have this done more than once to keep an eye on things. All of my blood work was great and I am not anemic. My ultrasound to find out the gender and to check the anatomy will be on November 30th. Malachi will probably not be able to be here for the ultrasound he will most likely have to work, but Teresa will be going with me in that event, thank gosh for great mother-n-laws! I just wanted to throw in a quick note about how I am very thankful that Mackeinzie is enjoying basketball and is improving so much, We are very pround of her. I am going to see Mercy Me in concert tonite with Rachel and I am very excited about that, and of course I cant forget to say that I am more than thankful that my husband made it home this morning for the weekend and was able to go hunting this morning and come back with a deer(doesn't he always, lol)................

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thankfulness-Friday 11/13

1. I am thankful for my nieces and nephews that I love so much, they all have a special place in my heart.

2. I am thankful to have such a beautiful home to live in.

3. I am thankful to have a car, food, clothes on my back, and most anything that I need or want.

4. I am thankful for the ultrasound pictures we got.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thankfulness-unsure of what day.........
1. I am thankful to still have my mother, I didn't think a couple of years ago that I was going to have her any longer.......

2. I am thankful to have had two wonderful fathers in my life.

3. I am thankful to have married into the most wonderful family in the world! I don't know what I would do without them sometimes. I have the greatest mother-n-law and father-n-law in the whole world.

4. I am glad for the ultrasound that I had today and the fact that everything looked great, people don't understand what a blessing and what it means to me and Malachi to have come this far in a pregnancy and that everything is okay and we can see our baby move around on the screen and show us its feet and hands and beating heart.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Thankful-Day 4
1. I am thankful for the greatest daughter in the world, our situation sometimes is not ideal(meaning I miss her when she is at her dads), but she is the one thing in my life I look at alot and think of how proud I am of it. She has a heart of gold and I am so thankful for her.

2. I am thankful for the greatest husband in the world. I am blessed to spend my life with my best friend. Growing old with someone is a privelage we take for granted as people. I love him with all my heart and soul and could never ask for anything more because he is my everything.

3. I am thankful to be given the chance to become a mother again, I am so excited and cant wait for the moment I get to lay eyes on my new little one. I am greatful to be blessed with a pregnancy that compared to the others has been healthy.

GOD IS GREAT and the blessings we have we should be thankful for!

Friday, November 6, 2009

My husband made it home for another weekend with us, I am always glad when he comes through the door no matter how long it might be. I would like to start posting the things that I am thankful for, but since I am just a little bit behind I have decided to do it just a little different. I will post one thing daily from here until Thanksgiving. 1.) I am thankful for God and being saved, its the greatest thing that I could have ever done!.........................................................................

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Things are going better than ever

It has again been awhile since my last post, but I know that I have some new readers now, my family in Florida, I thought I would begin to update my blog again. Well since my last post we had some ups and downs, but overall couldnt be better. We learned in August that we are expecting out first child due on May 2nd, which means that I am currently 14 wks and 3 days. We are very excited and so is Mackeinzie. Everything has went somewhat better with this pregnancy, and we hope that it will continue this way. We will find out what we are having on November 30th. Attatched is Mackeinzie in her Halloween costume this year, she had a great time and was able to get lots of candy, will post again soon........